
Prayer is the key to heaven, but Faith unlocks the door….

Prayer is the key to heaven,
but faith unlocks the door.
Words are so easily spoken.
Prayer without faith
is like a boat without an oar.
Have faith when you speak
to the Master that’s all He asks you for.
Prayer is the key to heaven,
but faith unlocks the door.

Lyrics by Don Gibson


November 11, 2012 Posted by | Just Life | Leave a comment


I deactivated my Facebook account today. I have been wanting to do this for awhile. It just sucks me in and next thing I know I am rushing around trying to finish things I should have had done earlier. My goal is to go for a whole week…=) That doesn’t really sound like such a grand goal but it is baby steps.

I do have so many friends, that live in other states, that I keep up with and now I will miss out on their daily activities. As much as I love my friends, should I be so concerned with tracking their activities? I am not one of those stat people who try to see how many contacts they can amass. I actually know, IRL, 95% of my 306 acquaintances.

We shall see…

I miss the days when people actually chatted on the phone. Everything is texting and facebooking. My life is so complicated right now, the last thing I need is to be tethered to my cell phone and desk.

I have set some tasks before me that I would like to accomplish before I decide if I will reactivate FB.

Here goes…=)

November 10, 2012 Posted by | Just Life | , , , | 1 Comment